Friday 24th to 31st May 2024 saw Shaun Forward’s first solo exhibition since 2009 – when he exhibited across Westbourne’s two floor – 2,000 sq ft Basilica.

Focusing mainly on pen & ink illustrations of well-known Dorset landmarks, the show opened with a bustling private view, (see video clip), during the ever-popular Christchurch Food Festival.

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Seeing in excess of 30 guests during the two hour preview, Shaun was pleased with the extremely complementary response received, and delighted to sell one framed illustration, one framed limited edition Lino print, and take a commission for another Dorset landmark. Another commission for a totally different subject matter, arose following awareness of the show.

“It was a very interesting experience and I thank Jo Dyton, for inviting me to hold the show in her marvellous Hatch Gallery. I’ve learned many things in the production of this show, and am looking forward to approaching more galleries for similar shows and also to take selected pieces of my work.”

Commissions happily accepted. Various styles of work may be seen on this website and a brief flip-through of the ‘Square One’ catalogue can be seen here.

Categories: Exhibitions